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Trang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2017­2018ở ượ ọTr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Câu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu Câu ⒶCâu 10 ⒶCâu 11 ⒶCâu 12 ⒶCâu 13 ⒶCâu 14 ⒶCâu 15 ⒶCâu 16 Câu 17 ⒶCâu 18 ⒶCâu 19 ⒶCâu 20 ⒶCâu 21 ⒶCâu 22 ⒶCâu 23 ⒶCâu 24 Câu 25 ⒶCâu 26 ⒶCâu 27 ⒶCâu 28 ⒶCâu 29 ⒶCâu 30 Mã đ: 141ềI choose the word that has underline pronounce different from others Câu 1. A. seem ed B. star ed C. lend ed D. travel ed Câu 2. A. teach er B. oth er C. togeth er D. er Câu 3. A. ty B. ne C. ne D. ke Câu 4. A. wh B. cit C. angr D. part yII. choose the best answer Câu 5. The firework display, part of the city's centenary celebration,.......... place on the 21st August in Cannon ParkA. will take B. takes C. taking D. is going to take Câu 6. There .............. lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.A. used to B. used to is C. are used to D. used to be Câu 7. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates.................A. left B. had left C. have left D. has left Câu 8. After .................... her speech, she went to bed with her younger sisterA. finishing B. to finish C. finished D. finishes Câu 9. ..................your father often .................tennis in the morning ?A. Is playing B. Do play C. Does play D. Does plays Câu 10. Birds ...................... their nests in the Summer and ................... to the South in the WinterA. biulds/ flyes B. are biult/ flyed C. build/ fly D. builds/ fly Câu 11. He …………..……here but he doesn't work here now. A. didn't use to B. used to work C. is used to working D. is used to work Câu 12. The woman _________lives next door to us is doctorA. to who B. which C. who D. to that Câu 13. We were thirsty so we stopped........................ waterA. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinked Câu 14. .................... is it from here to your home? Two kilometresA. How far B. How ofent C. How long D. How many Câu 15. ....................are you going for holidays? I'm going to LondonA. When B. Where C. Why D. What Câu 16. work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my...............A. breaks B. working days C. days off D. days out Câu 17. He spends lot of time ……………………. booksA. read B. reads C. reading D. to readTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, Câu 18. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government is trying to establish more shelters to care for ………..A. the childless B. the homeless C. the deaf D. the blind Câu 19. Tim was washing his hair while ...................A. cleaned up the kitchen B. am cleaning up the kitchenC. was cleaning up the kitchen D. had cleaned up the kitchen Câu 20. Stephen ........................ on the phone when came inA. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talkedIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not correct Câu 21. Please remember locking the door when you go away Câu 22. It took him long time to get used to driving in the left Câu 23. Would you ike being my pen friend? Câu 24. Everything is different with what the advertsement says Câu 25. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went on Câu 26. They have lived in the country for 1997 DIV. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.Last year went to Nepal for my holiday,I decided to go into the jungle and asked Nepalest guide, Kamal Rai,to go with me. In the jungle there were lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat on the day. Then, in the distance, we saw tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found dead deer still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly. started to feel very frightened. Câu 27. The writer went to Nepal ..................................A. for business B. for treatment C. for holiday D. on visit Câu 28. When having few days off, he decided to go into............A. the tropical forest B. the remote villages C. the mountains D. the seaside Câu 29. He wanted to see.....................A. wildlife B. tigers C. wild animals D. wildcats Câu 30. They got better view onto...................... A. the elephants' back B. Nepalest's back C. deer's back D. tigers' backTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !S GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2017­2018ở ượ Tr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Câu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu Câu ⒶCâu 10 ⒶCâu 11 ⒶCâu 12 ⒶCâu 13 ⒶCâu 14 ⒶCâu 15 ⒶCâu 16 Câu 17 ⒶCâu 18 ⒶCâu 19 ⒶCâu 20 ⒶCâu 21 ⒶCâu 22 ⒶCâu 23 ⒶCâu 24 Câu 25 ⒶCâu 26 ⒶCâu 27 ⒶCâu 28 ⒶCâu 29 ⒶCâu 30 Mã đ: 175ềI choose the word that has underline pronounce different from others Câu 1. A. cit B. wh C. angr D. part Câu 2. A. oth er B. er C. teach er D. togeth er Câu 3. A. star ed B. seem ed C. travel ed D. lend ed Câu 4. A. ty B. ne C. ke D. neII. choose the best answer Câu 5. He spends lot of time ……………………. booksA. read B. reads C. to read D. reading Câu 6. Birds ...................... their nests in the Summer and ................... to the South in the WinterA. biulds/ flyes B. build/ fly C. are biult/ flyed D. builds/ fly Câu 7. The firework display, part of the city's centenary celebration,.......... place on the 21st August in Cannon ParkA. will take B. taking C. is going to take D. takes Câu 8. ..................your father often .................tennis in the morning ?A. Do play B. Is playing C. Does play D. Does plays Câu 9. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government is trying to establish more shelters to care for ………..A. the childless B. the homeless C. the deaf D. the blind Câu 10. He …………..……here but he doesn't work here now. A. is used to working B. is used to work C. didn't use to D. used to work Câu 11. ....................are you going for holidays? I'm going to LondonA. Where B. What C. When D. Why Câu 12. Stephen ........................ on the phone when came inA. has talked B. talked C. has been talking D. was talking Câu 13. .................... is it from here to your home? Two kilometresA. How ofent B. How long C. How far D. How many Câu 14. After .................... her speech, she went to bed with her younger sisterA. finishes B. finished C. finishing D. to finish Câu 15. The woman _________lives next door to us is doctorA. to who B. who C. which D. to that Câu 16. work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my...............A. breaks B. days off C. days out D. working days Câu 17. Tim was washing his hair while ...................Trang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !A. was cleaning up the kitchen B. am cleaning up the kitchenC. cleaned up the kitchen D. had cleaned up the kitchen Câu 18. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates.................A. have left B. had left C. left D. has left Câu 19. There .............. lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.A. used to is B. used to C. are used to D. used to be Câu 20. We were thirsty so we stopped........................ waterA. drinked B. to drink C. drinking D. drinkIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not correct Câu 21. They have lived in the country for 1997 Câu 22. It took him long time to get used to driving in the left Câu 23. Everything is different with what the advertsement says Câu 24. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went on Câu 25. Would you ike being my pen friend? Câu 26. Please remember locking the door when you go away DIV. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.Last year went to Nepal for my holiday,I decided to go into the jungle and asked Nepalest guide, Kamal Rai,to go with me. In the jungle there were lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat on the day. Then, in the distance, we saw tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found dead deer still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly. started to feel very frightened. Câu 27. They got better view onto...................... A. deer's back B. the elephants' back C. Nepalest's back D. tigers' back Câu 28. When having few days off, he decided to go into............A. the remote villages B. the mountains C. the seaside D. the tropical forest Câu 29. He wanted to see.....................A. wildcats B. wildlife C. wild animals D. tigers Câu 30. The writer went to Nepal ..................................A. for treatment B. for business C. for holiday D. on visit Trang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !S GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2017­2018ở ượ Tr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Câu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu Câu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu 10 ⒶCâu 11 ⒶCâu 12 ⒶCâu 13 ⒶCâu 14 ⒶCâu 15 Câu 16 ⒶCâu 17 ⒶCâu 18 ⒶCâu 19 ⒶCâu 20 ⒶCâu 21 ⒶCâu 22 ⒶCâu 23 Câu 24 ⒶCâu 25 ⒶCâu 26 ⒶCâu 27 ⒶCâu 28 ⒶCâu 29 ⒶCâu 30 Mã đ: 209ềI choose the word that has underline pronounce different from others Câu 1. A. travel ed B. star ed C. lend ed D. seem ed Câu 2. A. ke B. ty C. ne D. ne Câu 3. A. er B. togeth er C. teach er D. oth er Câu 4. A. angr B. cit C. part D. wh yII. choose the best answer Câu 5. The woman _________lives next door to us is doctorA. who B. to that C. to who D. which Câu 6. Tim was washing his hair while ...................A. am cleaning up the kitchen B. had cleaned up the kitchenC. cleaned up the kitchen D. was cleaning up the kitchen Câu 7. After .................... her speech, she went to bed with her younger sisterA. finishing B. finishes C. finished D. to finish Câu 8. The firework display, part of the city's centenary celebration,.......... place on the 21st August in Cannon ParkA. will take B. takes C. is going to take D. taking Câu 9. .................. your father often .................tennis in the morning ?A. Does plays B. Do play C. Is playing D. Does play Câu 10. ....................are you going for holidays? I'm going to LondonA. What B. Where C. When D. Why Câu 11. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government is trying to establish more shelters to care for ………..A. the childless B. the deaf C. the blind D. the homeless Câu 12. Birds ...................... their nests in the Summer and ................... to the South in the WinterA. build/ fly B. biulds/ flyes C. builds/ fly D. are biult/ flyed Câu 13. There .............. lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.A. used to be B. used to C. are used to D. used to is Câu 14. work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my...............A. breaks B. days off C. working days D. days out Câu 15. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates.................A. has left B. left C. had left D. have left Câu 16. He spends lot of time ……………………. booksA. reads B. reading C. to read D. read Câu 17. We were thirsty so we stopped........................ waterTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !A. to drink B. drinking C. drink D. drinked Câu 18. He …………..……here but he doesn't work here now. A. is used to work B. is used to working C. didn't use to D. used to work Câu 19. Stephen ........................ on the phone when came inA. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talked Câu 20. .................... is it from here to your home? Two kilometresA. How far B. How long C. How ofent D. How manyIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not correct Câu 21. It took him long time to get used to driving in the left Câu 22. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went on Câu 23. Everything is different with what the advertsement says Câu 24. Please remember locking the door when you go away Câu 25. Would you ike being my pen friend? Câu 26. They have lived in the country for 1997 DIV. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.Last year went to Nepal for my holiday,I decided to go into the jungle and asked Nepalest guide, Kamal Rai,to go with me. In the jungle there were lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat on the day. Then, in the distance, we saw tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found dead deer still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly. started to feel very frightened. Câu 27. He wanted to see.....................A. wildlife B. wildcats C. tigers D. wild animals Câu 28. The writer went to Nepal ..................................A. for holiday B. for treatment C. for business D. on visit Câu 29. They got better view onto...................... A. deer's back B. Nepalest's back C. tigers' back D. the elephants' back Câu 30. When having few days off, he decided to go into............A. the mountains B. the remote villages C. the tropical forest D. the seasideTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !S GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2017­2018ở ượ Tr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Câu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu ⒶCâu Câu ⒶCâu 10 ⒶCâu 11 ⒶCâu 12 ⒶCâu 13 ⒶCâu 14 ⒶCâu 15 ⒶCâu 16 Câu 17 ⒶCâu 18 ⒶCâu 19 ⒶCâu 20 ⒶCâu 21 ⒶCâu 22 ⒶCâu 23 ⒶCâu 24 Câu 25 ⒶCâu 26 ⒶCâu 27 ⒶCâu 28 ⒶCâu 29 ⒶCâu 30 Mã đ: 243ềI choose the word that has underline pronounce different from others Câu 1. A. part B. angr C. wh D. cit Câu 2. A. ne B. ke C. ne D. ty Câu 3. A. oth er B. togeth er C. teach er D. er Câu 4. A. seem ed B. star ed C. lend ed D. travel edII. choose the best answer Câu 5. Stephen ........................ on the phone when came inA. talked B. has been talking C. was talking D. has talked Câu 6. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates.................A. have left B. has left C. had left D. left Câu 7. Tim was washing his hair while ...................A. am cleaning up the kitchen B. was cleaning up the kitchenC. had cleaned up the kitchen D. cleaned up the kitchen Câu 8. The firework display, part of the city's centenary celebration,.......... place on the 21st August in Cannon ParkA. takes B. will take C. taking D. is going to take Câu 9. There .............. lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.A. used to B. used to is C. used to be D. are used to Câu 10. ....................are you going for holidays? I'm going to LondonA. Where B. When C. What D. Why Câu 11. .................. your father often .................tennis in the morning ?A. Is playing B. Do play C. Does plays D. Does play Câu 12. After .................... her speech, she went to bed with her younger sisterA. finishes B. to finish C. finishing D. finished Câu 13. He …………..……here but he doesn't work here now. A. used to work B. is used to working C. is used to work D. didn't use to Câu 14. He spends lot of time ……………………. booksA. to read B. read C. reads D. reading Câu 15. Birds ...................... their nests in the Summer and ................... to the South in the WinterA. biulds/ flyes B. build/ fly C. are biult/ flyed D. builds/ fly Câu 16. .................... is it from here to your home? Two kilometresA. How ofent B. How far C. How long D. How manyTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, Câu 17. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government is trying to establish more shelters to care for ………..A. the homeless B. the blind C. the deaf D. the childless Câu 18. work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my...............A. days off B. days out C. breaks D. working days Câu 19. We were thirsty so we stopped........................ waterA. drinking B. drinked C. drink D. to drink Câu 20. The woman _________lives next door to us is doctorA. which B. to who C. to that D. whoIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not correct Câu 21. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went on Câu 22. Would you ike being my pen friend? Câu 23. Everything is different with what the advertsement says Câu 24. It took him long time to get used to driving in the left Câu 25. Please remember locking the door when you go away Câu 26. They have lived in the country for 1997 DIV. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion.Last year went to Nepal for my holiday,I decided to go into the jungle and asked Nepalest guide, Kamal Rai,to go with me. In the jungle there were lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat on the day. Then, in the distance, we saw tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found dead deer still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly. started to feel very frightened. Câu 27. When having few days off, he decided to go into............A. the mountains B. the tropical forest C. the remote villages D. the seaside Câu 28. The writer went to Nepal ..................................A. for business B. for treatment C. for holiday D. on visit Câu 29. They got better view onto...................... A. Nepalest's back B. tigers' back C. the elephants' back D. deer's back Câu 30. He wanted to see.....................A. wildlife B. tigers C. wild animals D. wildcatsTrang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2017­2018ở ượ Tr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Đáp án mã đ: 141ề01. C; 02. D; 03. A; 04. A; 05. D; 06. C; 07. B; 08. A; 09. C; 10. C; 11. B; 12. C; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B; 16. C; 17. C; 18. B; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. C; 24. B; 25. D; 26. D; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. A; Đáp án mã đ: 175ề01. B; 02. B; 03. D; 04. A; 05. D; 06. B; 07. C; 08. C; 09. B; 10. D; 11. A; 12. D; 13. C; 14. C; 15. B; 16. B; 17. A; 18. B; 19. C; 20. B; 21. D; 22. D; 23. B; 24. D; 25. C; 26. B; 27. B; 28. D; 29. D; 30. C; Đáp án mã đ: 209ề01. C; 02. B; 03. A; 04. D; 05. A; 06. D; 07. A; 08. C; 09. D; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. C; 14. B; 15. C; 16. B; 17. A; 18. D; 19. A; 20. A; 21. D; 22. D; 23. B; 24. B; 25. C; 26. D; 27. C; 28. A; 29. D; 30. C; Đáp án mã đ: 243ề01. C; 02. D; 03. D; 04. C; 05. C; 06. C; 07. B; 08. D; 09. D; 10. A; 11. D; 12. C; 13. A; 14. D; 15. B; 16. B; 17. A; 18. A; 19. D; 20. D; 21. D; 22. C; 23. B; 24. D; 25. B; 26. D; 27. B; 28. C; 29. C; 30. B; Trang !Syntax Error, Mã đ: !Syntax Error, !S GD­ĐT nh ng Yên Ki tra ch ng HKI Năm 2013­2014ở ượ Tr ng THPT Hùng ng Môn: Ti ng Anh 10 Ban CBườ ươ Th gian: 45 phút ờH tên sinh: .SBD: .L p: 10A .ọ Đáp án mã đ: 141ề01. 09. 17. 25. ~02. 10. 18. 26. ~03. 11. 19. 27. -04. 12. 20. 28. -05. 13. 21. 29. -06. 14. 22. 30. -07. 15. 23. -08. 16. 24. -Đáp án mã đ: 175ề01. 09. 17. 25. -02. 10. 18. 26. -03. 11. 19. 27. -04. 12. 20. 28. ~05. 13. 21. 29. ~06. 14. 22. 30. -07. 15. 23. -08. 16. 24. ~Đáp án mã đ: 209ề01. 09. 17. 25. -02. 10. 18. 26. ~03. 11. 19. 27. -04. 12. 20. 28. -05. 13. 21. 29. ~06. 14. 22. 30. -07. 15. 23.